Pregnancy Reveal


Today you can’t escape social media without stumbling across a gender reveal video many of which end up going viral.  Check out this hilarious reveal gone wrong when dad’s air cannon backfires.

While gender videos are all the rage, what about pregnancy reveals?  I’m curious to hear how you found out you were about to be a dad and how you decided to tell others once you felt the time was right.

I’ll never forget the day my wife discovered she was pregnant.  We had been trying for a few months with no such luck.  Deep down I had concerns as to whether or not we would be able to do this without assistance.  But lo and behold one morning I awoke to the sound of crying coming from our bathroom.  Assuming my wife just received some bad news I quickly jumped out of bed and rushed to her side to asses the situation.  Call me a pessimist but for some reason I always fear the worst when I hear someone crying.

 To my surprise my wife had just taken a pregnancy test and learned we were about to become parents for the first time.  To say I was in shock was an understatement.  The rush of emotions that overcame my body were intense to say the least.  We really did it.  Despite the fact that we had some medical hurdles to overcome, we were finally about to become parents.  Now the challenge was to figure out who we were going to share our news with and when.

Many couples choose to keep the news of their pregnancy quiet until after the first trimester since the likely hood of complications or loss is downgraded.  My wife and I on the other hand decided to tell those close to us immediately.  We felt that our friends were a source of support and regardless of whether we had complications or not we wanted those close to us to share in our joy as well as be there in case we needed support if anything went wrong.  There is no right or wrong decision.  The important thing is for both you and your partner to be on the same page.  I was thankful my wife wanted to share our news immediately with our close friends.  Secrets suck and I hate having to keep them to myself.

Whether you decide to share the news ASAP or wait until the first trimester is over here are some fun and creative ways you can share with others the news of your growing family via Cafe Mom.

Erin Kruzan/Pinterest

Erin Kruzan/Pinterest

Click here for more pregnancy announcement inspirations.